Training Workshop for Labor Safety and Environmental Sanitation – Dissemination of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP dated 06 February 2013 of the Prime Minister on Quality Management of Construction Works.

On May 24th, 2013 the Training Workshop for Occupational Safety and Environmental Sanitation – Dissemination of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP dated 06 February 2013 of the Prime Minister on Quality Management of Construction Works was held by Bach Dang Construction Corporation.

The workshop chaired by Mr. Luu Quang Bon – Deputy Director of the Corporation, and directed by Mr Le Quang Hung – State Department Director of construction quality verification – Ministry of Construction, Mr Bui Trung Dung – Director of Construction Management Department – Ministry of Construction, leaders, professional experts of State Department of construction quality verification and Construction Management Department and lecturers of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Mr. Luu Quang Bon – Deputy General Director of  the Corporation made an opening speech

Through the introduction and dissemination of the contents of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP, general issues of labor safety, environmental sanitation helped the leaders of the Corporation, Directors, Deputy Directors, head of departments, officers in charge of production safety at member Companies to conceive more clearly and sufficient about purpose, meaning, content of the Decree to master the essential knowledge of labor safety and environmental sanitation for appropriate and effective application in management and administration of the construction activities.

Mr Le Quang Hung – State Department Director of construction quality verification made dissemination of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP on construction quality management

Mr Bui Trung Dung – Director of Construction Management Department exchanged  about labor safety for leaders of enterprises at the workshop

At the workshop, staff employees of the Corporation heard and discussed about important issues such as:

– Management and implementation of labor safety for the leaders of enterprises. The implementation of Labor Safety regulations and measures to reduce accidents and occupational diseases in the construction industry. Improvement of working conditions, reduce workplace accidents in construction Enterprises today …
– Guiding the implementation of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP dated 06 February 2013 issued by the Prime Minister on quality management of construction works and related guiding Circulars.. .

Mr. Phan Dang Luu – Head of Legal Policy Office – Vietnam General Confederation of Labor trained employees on labor safety

 Mr. Pham Duc Hinh – Head of  Labor  Safety Department – Ministry of Construction guide lined and  discussed the implementation of Labor  Safety regulations

Making closing speech at the workshop, Mr Luu Quang Bon – Deputy Director thanked Mr Le Quang Hung – State Department Director of construction quality verification, Mr Bui Trung Dung – Director of Construction Management Department, leaders, professional experts of State Department of construction quality verification and Construction Management Department and lecturers of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor for their attendance and instructions at the workshop. On behalf of the Corporation’s leaders, Mr. Luu Quang Bon required member Companies to make plan for effectively implementation of Decree 15/2013/ND-CP on labor safety and environmental sanitation in all member Companies and the construction sites of the Corporation.

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