Launching Ceremony for completion of head office of Vietcombank – Hung Yen Branch to celebrate 55 year traditional anniversary of Bach Dang Construction Corporation (31/8/1958 – 31/8 2013)

In response to emulation movement launched by the Emulation Award Council of Bach Dang Construction Corporation dated 16 April 2013, on morning of 31st May 2013, at the construction site, the launching ceremony for completion of head office of Vietcombank – Hung Yen Branch was held by Emulation Award Council of Bach Dang Import Export & Construction Joint Stock Company to hand over to the Owner 78 days earlier.
Attending the Launching ceremony were representative leaders of Emulation Award Council of Bach Dang Construction Corporation; Owner Representative, Supervisor Consultant, Project Management Consultant, Director, Deputy Director, Chairman of trade Union of Bach Dang Import Export & Construction Joint Stock Company; Head of Project Management Board, representative leaders of several departments of the Company and all staff employees of the Project Management Board.

The participants of the launching ceremony

At the ceremony, representative of trade union of Bach Dang Import Export & Construction Joint Stock Company, Mr Tran Van Tien – chairman of trade union, deputy chairman of Emulation Award Council of the Company launched the emulation target “Quality, Safety, Efficiency” and committed to complete the project to hand over to the Owner 78 days earlier compared with the assigned schedule.

Mr. Tran Van Tien – Chairman of the Trade Union, Deputy Chairman of  Emulation Award Council of the Company made speeches

Mr Vu Duc Thien – Deputy Chairman  of  the Trade Union of  the Corporation made a speech at the ceremony

Mr. Nguyen Van Toan – Director of head office of Vietcombank – Hung Yen Branch  – Owner representative made a speech  at the ceremony

Mr. Vu Thanh Phong – Director of Bach Dang  Import Export & Construction Joint Stock Company made a speech at the ceremony
head office of Vietcombank – Hung Yen Branch will be completed and hand over to the Owner 78 days earlier than assigned schedule

Responding to the launching ceremony, Mr Đang Hai Buong – Head of  Project Management Board, several technical staffs of the project, foremen of construction teams have signed an agreement with the witness of representative leaders of the Emulation Reward Council of Bach Dang Construction Corporation, Owner Representative, Supervisor Consultant, Project Management Consultant, representative leaders of Bach Dang Import Export & Construction Joint Stock Company, representative leaders of the Company’s departments and all staff employees of the Project Management Board.

Some pictures about signing ceremony of mutual emulation agreement

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