General Director Pham Tien Hung Inspected and Worked at the Construction Site of package NT-1.5b – Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project- Nha Trang City sub-project.

On 16th October 2013, General Director Pham Tien Hung inspected the construction progress of the items of package NT-1.5B under Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation Project- Nha Trang City sub-project.

General Director Pham Tien Hung inspected the construction works on the site

After construction site inspection and having a meeting with the Owner, General Director  held a meeting to review progress and construction for the items of package NT-1.5B. Up to now, the construcion works have reached 50%, the remaing works maily are 870 m of box culvert 3x2m. The Project Management Board was required to increase manpower and accelerate backfilling of pipe culverts D2000; completion of 02 pumping stations (No.7 &10) before 30th October 2013; The treament of roadbase 28 need to be urgently completed for continuing to execute box culvert 3x2m  in oder to ensure completion before Lunar New Year and finish the project before 30 April 2014.

Backfilling of pipe culverts D2000

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