Bach Dang Construction Corporation organized the training Class of labor safety and occupational hygiene

On 22th November 2013, the training class of labor safety and occupational hygiene for executive managers of Bach Dang Construction Corporation’s head office, Project Management Boards and member Companies was held. 70/70 of participants attended the class.

Classroom scene

Mr Pham Duc Hinh – Head Department of Occupational Safety of Construction Management Department – Ministry of Construction, Mr Le Van Tin – Head Department of facilities management, Lecturer of Hanoi Construction University attended and gave lecture content in class.

Mr Pham Duc Hinh – Head Department of Occupational Safety,  Construction Management Department – Ministry of Construction

Mr Le Van Tin – Head Department of facilities management, Lecturer of Hanoi Construction University gave lecture content in class

The class was for propagation of education, consultancy and application support to safety techniques, dissemination of legal knowledge, circular on labor safety management in construction industry with the main content: “Rules of labor safety and occupational hygiene”, “Construction techniques and handling situations to prevent accidents “, “Law on labor safety and occupational hygiene” and discussion on situations which are likely to cause accidents in construction.

After class, participants got deeper understanding of labor safety management, construction techniques and handling situations to prevent accidents and safety legislation, occupational hygiene. After the test result, 70/70 members participating in class have been certified labor safety and occupational hygiene.

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