Emulation Launching Ceremony of Package A6 – Noi Bai – Lao Cai Highway project

On May 16th 2014, Mr Le Trung Kien – General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation inspected the construction site and witnessed the Emulation Launching Ceremony for completion of opening to traffic – Package A6 – Noi Bai – Lao Cai highway project, striving for one month ahead of schedule.
Joining the delegation of the Corporation: Mr To Van Hue – Deputy General Director cum trade union Chairman, Mr Pham Quang Tuong – Deputy General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation together with representatives of functional departments.

Mr Le Trung Kien – General Director of the Corporation inspecting the construction site

and working with Doosan general contractor of Package A6

Package A6 (one of 8 packages of Noi Bai – Lao Cai highway project) is the way to pass through Van Yen district, Yen Bai province with a total length of 40 km (from Km159 to Km199). Construction of paving works worth over 300 billion VNĐ, the period of construction schedule is expected to be 15 months since March 2013.

Workers are working urgently to ensure completion on schedule

The completed road is awaiting to handover to the Owner

The total asphalt volume of Package is 186,000 tons, of which the coarse asphalt is 120.250 tons and fine asphalt is 65.750 tons.

Up to May 05th 2014, Bach Dang Construction Corporation has completed 73% workload under the Contract: 33,397 km of coarse asphalt reached 91% with 108 870 tons, and 17,586 km of fine-grained asphalt reached 40.6% with 26,700 tons.

Mr  Le Trung Kien –  General Director of the Corporation made a speech and  assigned tasks for Project Management Board and  construction Companies  of Package A6

Mr Pham Quang Tuong – Deputy General Director of the Corporation cum Director of Project Management Board made report presentation on progress and content of emulation launching Ceremony

With the goals and determination to complete the package 01 month ahead of schedule, General Director of the Corporation required Project Management Board and construction Companies to sign an emulation covenant for objectives: Completion of opening to traffic for fine-grain asphalt layer on May 31th 2014 to ensure quality and specifications of the project; testing and inspection shall be quick and accurate for capital recovery and ensure safety for workers and equipment.

Representative of Project Management Board and construction companies were signing the emulation covenant with the witness of the Corporation’s Leaders

Representative of Project Management Board and construction companies agreed to sign the emulation covenant and showed unity with high determination to complete the project as required by the Corporation on May 30th 2014, 01 month ahead of schedule.

Mr Nguyen Minh Tuan – Director of Bach Dang 6  Investment & Construction Company and representatives of  construction companies made some speeches  in response to emulation covenant

The Corporation’s leaders granted presents to leaders and employees of Project Management Board and construction companies to encourage their working enthusiastic spirit.

The Corporation’s leaders granted presents to leaders and employees of Project Management Board and construction companies to encourage their working enthusiastic spirit

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