Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Construction Joint Stock Company No.204 in 2014

On 19th May 2014 morning, the annual general meeting of shareholders of Construction Joint Stock Company No.204 was successful held with attendance of 41 shareholders and representatives of 1,274,701 shares, accounting for 91% total number of shares in the Company. Mr Nguyen Huy Hoan – Party Secretary, Chairman of members Council of Bach Dang Construction Corporation attended and made a speech at the meeting

Mr Nguyen Huy Hoan – Chairman of members Council made a speech at the meeting

Mr Le Van Thanh – Director of the Company made report presentation of production and business results in 2013 and plan for 2014.

Overcoming general difficulties in 2013, the Board of Directors and leaders of the Company focused on finding out the right solution to fulfill the plan criteria in 2013 to ensure effectiveness of production and business, preservation and growth of capital, full implementation of state obligations, regimes and policies for employees on salary, bonuses and other activities.

Mr Le Van Thanh – Chairman of Management Board, Director made report presentation at the meeting

Year of 2014 continues to be considered as a more difficult year for the country’s economy in general and with the Construction Industry in particular. The orientation and solution of Management Board and leaders in 2014: Mainly focusing on construction sector, projects with foreign capital; Strengthening marketing by the progress, quality, construction methods and other management aspects.

Ms Vu Thi Oanh – Chief comptroller made report presentation on inspection and supervision of production and business activities, evaluation of financial statements, business results, and the implementation of resolutions of the shareholders’ general meeting in 2013.

Ms Vu Thi Oanh – Chief comptroller made report  presentation at the meeting

The meeting has approved the contents:
* Report on business results in 2013
* Report of Board of Comptrollers in 2013
* Profit distribution plan of 2013 and dividend yield of 10% in 2013
* Business and production plan for 2014 and expected dividend yield in 2014.
* Nominating additional members of the Board of Comptrollers.
Time to pay dividend yield of 2013 from May 26th 2014.

The shareholders agreed to vote

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