The Party of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC organized the Conference for reviewing to perform the tasks in early 9 months, deploy duties in the fourth quarter of 2014

In the afternoon 28/10/2014, the Party of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC Conference organized the Conference for reviewing to perform the tasks in early 9 months, deploy duties in the fourth quarter of 2014. The representatives of the Organizing Committee, Inspection Commission, Office of the Hai Phong City’ s Party attended and monitored the progress of the Conference.

Delegates in the Conference

The contents displayed in the conference: Grasp, deploy to implement Instructions of the Central and Notice of City Party on the General Meeting of Party Committee at all levels to the 9th National Delegates Congress of the Party; The plan, guide for the personnel work of the committee of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Corporation; Review to perform the tasks in 9 early months, deploy duties in the fourth quarter of 2014; consolide the Executive Committee of the Corporation for the tenure 2010 – 2015.

Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoan – Party Committee Secretary of the Corp. chaired the conference

Mr. Le Trung Kien – Member of Party Standing Committeer, CEO of the Corp. displayed the additional report of the performed results of 9 months of business tasks and solutions on the task  for the fourth quarter of 2014

Conference view

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