BDCC deployed the building execution of Hoa Phuoc – Hoa Khuong Road , Hoa Vang district, Da Nang city

On 3rd August 2015, at No 54 Thai Phien, Da Nang city, BDCC signed the contract of Bid Package 3.5 – Building Hoa Phuoc – Hoa Khang Road, in Hoa Vang district, Da Nang city with the Investor – Management Board of investment projects in prior infrastructure in Da Nang city. The contract values more than 278 VND billion.
Bid Package 3.5 – Building Hoa Phuoc – Hoa Khuong Road – belongs to the project which aims at developing Da Nang city stably and is invested by Da Nang’s People’s Committee.

Hoa Phuoc – Hoa Khuong Road Construction starts (Km 0+000) at Southern road intersection – part of National Road 1A – Hoa Quy (Km 939+563 NR1A) of Qua Giang hamlet, Hoa Phuoc commune, and ends at Km 7+767,11 of Go Ha hamlet, Hoa Khuong commune, Hoa Vang district, Da Nang city, through NR14B (Km 28 + 494.32 NR14) linking with Western ring road as planned. The total length: L = 7,768.11m. It doesn’t include Qua Giang bridge (Km 0+740 – Km 1+080) and Song Yen bridge (Km 5+340 – Km 5+760). Construction time lasts 20 months.

Right after signing the contract, BDCC set up and directed the Project executive Board to quickly deploy preparation work of labor force, equipment and construction methods for an immediate execution as soon as the construction was started (on 3rd September 2015). Up to now, BDCC has fully deployed sufficient labor force and execution equipment for removing natural soil, embanking road K95, getting ready for road culvert execution, meeting the requirements of the Project. The construction is scheduled to finish in April 2017.

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