Bach Dang Construction Corporation Bach held the Year’s Eve party 2014 and welcome New Year 2015

On 13/02/2015 evening Bach Dang Construction Corporation held the Year’s Eve 2014 and welcomed the new Spring 2015 in the Hall of the Corporation. Attending the ceremony were Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoan – Party Secretary, Mr. Dao Viet Dung – Chairman of Management Board, Mr. Le Trung Kien – General Director of the Corporation, the e/c of the Management Board, Deputy General Directors, Chairman of Trade Union, Youth Union Secretary of the Corporation; representatives of the member units, the guests and all employees of the functional departments, PMU, Project Management Board of the Corporation; Staff of the dependent units having office at the Corporation.

View of the ceremony

In an exciting, warm and fully emotional atmosphere to meet employees in the last day of the year, Mr. Dao Viet Dung – Chairman of Management Board was pleased to announce the business performance result 2014 of the Corporation to all employees, thereby recognized, praised and said thanks to the laborers’ effort during the years. On behalf of the leaders of the Corporation, the Chairman sent best wishes to all employees and their families in the new year much to have success and happiness.

Mr. Dao Viet Dung – Chairman of Management Board spoke at the ceremony

Leaders and staff sang the traditional song of the Corporation

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