Bach Dang Construction Corporation makes efforts to complete ahead of schedule – Package A6 – Noi Bai – Lao Cai Highway project

On April 16th 2014, Deputy General Director Pham Quang Tuong inspected progress at the construction site of Package A6 – Noi Bai – Lao Cai highway project.

Deputy General Director Pham Quang Tuong was inspecting the construction site of  Package A6

After construction site inspection and having a meeting with main Contractor – Doosan, deputy General Director held a meeting to review construction progress with Project Management Board and construction teams. Up to the present time, Bach Dang Construction Corporation has completed 30/39,5 km of raw asphalt and 10/40km of smooth asphalt, reaching around 70% of the volume under the contract. Project Management Board was required by deputy general director to direct subcontractors and construction teams to concentrate on manpower, equipment and take advantage of favorable weather to work 3 shifts in order to accelerate the progress and make efforts to complete the project for opening to traffic on May 30th 2014, 30 days ahead of schedule.

Deputy General Director  was working at the office of Project Management Board

Construction site of Package A6

Package A6 (one of 8 packages of Noi Bai – Lao Cai highway project) is the way to pass through Van Yen district, Yen Bai province with a total length of 40 km (from Km159 to Km199). According to the design, the roadbed is 24m wide, consists of 4 lanes, 2 emergency stopping lanes, median strips, safety strips and roadsides. The starting point of Noi Bai-Lao Cai Project is an intersection between Noi Bai-Ha Long highway and National road No.2, the ending point is connected with Kunming-Ha Khau highway of China at Quang Kim commune, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province of Vietnam. This is an extremely important project belonging to Kunming-Hai Phong transport corridor under Mekong sub-regional cooperation Programs. It is also the project with the largest scale of length and total capital investment in Vietnam at present.

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