BDCC supported house-building expenditure to the poor men in Tien Lang district – Hai Phong city

Performing social welfare task assigned by Hai Phong Party Committee and Hai Phong People’s Committee, getting the advocate of City Farmer Association and local authority, on 11th September 2015, BDCC Delegation including Mr. Dao Viet Dung – Chairman, Mr. Le Trung Kien – General Director, Mr. To Van Hue – Union President and other leaders of BDCC departments came to visit, encourage and support 50 VND million of house-building expenditure to Mr. Pham Van Thuan’s family – a member of Farmer Group Area V in Tien Lang town.

Mr. Le Trung Kien ghanding over supporting money to Mr.Thuan’s family

Leaders representing City Farmer Association, local authority and local people witnessing the supporting work for Mr. Thuan’s family

Mr. Pham Van Thuan and his family was a member of Farmer Group Area V in Tien Lang town. He himself was a member of Vietnam Veterans’ Organization. His family was among the poor, agricultural, miserable ones. His house had been left unfinished for a long time and it was badly downgraded. His progenies got married and didn’t live with him; however, they couldn’t be able to support their parents. He and his wife were getting old with poor health. Their income mainly came from doing farm, so they couldn’t afford for their house repair.

With the hope to somehow share difficulties with Mr. Thuan’s family, to help them reduce house-building expenditure and improve their living-condition to enjoy their old age, BDCC leaders came to encourage and support them with 50 VND million.

Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong – Vice President of City Farmer Association making speech

Speaking at the ceremony of supporting house-building expenditure to Mr. Thuan, Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong – Vice President of City Farmer Association praised and highly appreciated City Farmer Association’s accompany in recent programs for helping the poor in Vinh Bao district, Cat Hai district and Mr. Thuan’s family that day as well as BDCC’s contribution to the social welfare assignment of Hai Phong city. He also recognized and dignified BDCC’s programs and schedules working with City Farmer Association in the social welfare assignments of helping miserable families in Hai Phong city.

Mr. Le Trung Kien making speech

On behalf of BDCC’s leaders, Mr. Le Trung Kien claimed that the work of supporting and sharing with miserable families was always in BDCC’s staff’s hearty wish. With “The good leaves protect the worn-out leaves” tradition, BDCC wished to continue accompanying with Hai Phong Farmer Association to help poor families to settle down, and contribute to social welfare assignments together with city authority the next time.

Mr. Nguyen Van Chuong representing City Farmer Association presenting gift to Mr. Thuan’s family

Mr. Pham Van Thuan express his great thanks

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