Conference of Bach Dang Construction Corporation’s Leaders and Employees on Equitization of parent company – the Corporation

On 06th September 2013 morning, the Conference of parent Company’s Leaders and Employees was held by Bach Dang Construction Corporation for contributing opinions to equitization plans; Dissemination of guidelines, regulations and policies related to employees on equitization performance of the Corporation before submitting to competent authorities for approval.
Attending the meeting were Council Members, General Director, Deputy
General Directors, Chairman of trade Union, Youth secretary,
comptrollers together with staff employees of the Corporation’s head
office. Leaders and employees of subsidiaries: Bach Dang 6 Investment
and Construction Company; Bach Dang Clay Brick Plant; Center for test
and survey of Bach Dang; Bach Dang’s Branch in Da Nang City.

Mr Nguyen Huy Hoan – Chairman of Members Council made a speech at the Conference

Mr Pham Tien Hung  made report presentation of progress on the Corporation’s equitization performance

the Conference, Mr Pham Tien Hung made report presentation of progress
on the parent Company’s equitization performance, and the equitization
consulting Company – Petrovietnam Securities Incorporated (PSI) made
presentation of several contents on equitization plans, and members of
the Corporation’s departments made brief report presentation of 
production and business implementation after equitization, priority
policies for employees and labor redundancy.

Representative consultant presented equitization plans of state-owned Enterprises

Mr. Pham Xuan Luy – vice head of Personnel Department made presentation of priority policies for employees

Mr Luu Hong Giang made presentation of production and business draf after equitization

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung – on behalf of the Board of Secretaries presented the Resolution at the Conference

participants of the Conference made discussion and unanimously agreed
the Corporation’s equitization plans as Petrovietnam Securities
Incorporated (PSI) had made presentation.

The participants discussed at the Conference

the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoan – Party Secretary, Chairman of
Members Council of the Corporation answered a number of questions of The
participants and requested the Equitization Steering Committee of the
Corporation to accept the opinions of the Conference for plan completion
to submit Construction Ministry for approval.

Panorama of the delegates at the conference

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