Construction schedule of Lam Dong Project

On 23/06/2014, Bach Dang Construction Corporation and Nghe An Hydraulic Construction JSC., No.1 signed the Contract Package DLWW-04: Construction of collection system and wastewater pumping station of Da Lat city, Lam Dong province – Dalat Subproject organized by Lam Dong Water Supply and Drainage Limited Company.

Construction site of Package DLWW-04

The Package valued 96.7 mil. VND, construction period is 20.5 months, including:
–    Construction, installation of main gravity pipeline uPVC: D200÷D600;
–    Construction, installation of HDPE pipeline: D150÷D400;
–    Construction, installation of wastewater pumping station: PS9, PS10, PS11, PS12;
–    Improvement of general pumping station from 7,400m3/day and night to 12,400m3/day and night.
The Package started on 21st July 2014.

After signing the contract, Bach Dang Construction Corporation operated and directed the Project Management Board to do the site preparation and construction work from after handing over the jobsite. Although the jobsite expended along the streets, the weather is not convenient, with the close direction of the Corp’s Leaders, the determination of the Project Management Board and construction units, so far the Corporation has been constructed uPVC pipe D200: 1600m; uPVC D300: 120m; lowering and installing 60 manholes D900 that are to ensure the construction schedule and quality of the project.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – D.General Director inspects, directs the work at the jobsite.

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