General Director of BDCC Inspected Construction Site of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant Project

On April 19th 2014, the progress at the construction site of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant was inspected by General Director Le Trung Kien.

General Director Le Trung Kien  and representative of Huyndai Contractor  were inspecting the construction site

After construction site inspection and having a meeting with Hyundai general contractor, General Director held a meeting with Project Management Board, related departments of the Corporation and construction teams (Bach Dang Construction Joint Stock Company No.201; Bach Dang 234 Construction Joint Stock Company; Bach Dang 5 Joint Stock Company to review all construction works of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant. All the leaders and employees of Project Management Board and construction teams were acknowledged and highly appreciated by General Director for their efforts and determination to have met the requirements of the main Contractor-Huyndai for both progress and quality.

General Director Le Trung Kien chaired the meeting at the office of Project Management Board

General Director emphasized that this is a large project in which most of the major items of the Plant are executed by Bach Dang Construction Corporation such as Turbine, Boiler, chimney foundations, dust filter area, road infrastructure system, drainage ditches and other items with a total of nearly 80 items. Currently, all the works are going to be completed and hand over to the Owner. Therefore, Project Management Board is required to enhance management and instruct construction teams to increase manpower, equipment to catch up progress targets and ensure the overall progress; especially pay attention to management of labor safety, document and quality.

Some images of  BDCC’s General Director on inspecting the construction site

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