Ground breacking ceremony of Construction For Viet Tri Wastewater Treatment System, Phu Tho Province

In the morning 30/10/2014, in Minh Nong Ward – Viet Tri City – Phu Tho province, the Project Management Unit and Contractors organized the Ground breacking ceremony of Construction for Viet Tri Wastewater Treatment System, Phu Tho Province, phase I.

Ground breacking ceremony of the project

Project of Construction for Viet Tri Wastewater Treatment System, Phu Tho Province, phase I, valued USD 32.906 million (including 80% loans, 20% counterpart fund), used ODA-funded according to the credit program signed by and between Vietnam Government and Korea Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF). The goal of the project is to collect, process thoroughly solve drainage water work for the ward and some suburban communes of the city, ensure water quality drainaged to the Red River, Lo River; improve the environment and improve people’s living standard, urban standards; processing capacity of 15,000 m3 day / night. The project owned by Phu Tho Water Supply JSC, consulted and designed by Saman Corporation (Korea), divided into three packages in open bidding, in which construction package and equipment supply is the largest value and performed by Keangnam Co. Ltd (Korea). The main work items of the project included: Construction of two treatment plants in the example Duu Lau and Minh Nong, manholes system, PVC and HDPE collection pipelines, 17 sewage pumping stations and drainage pipe connected to the households… The estimated completion time is 30 months from the commencement work.

Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC is the subcontractor for the Package Construction of Wastewater treatment plant No. 1 (TP1) under the main contractor is Keangnam Enterprise Ltd. TP1 is designed to treat domestic sewage of the Viet Tri city with a designed capacity of 5,000m3 / day and night. Currently, Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC established the Project Management Board to implement the preparation work of the project.

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