MOC examinates and evaluates the implementation of business and investment plan of 2014, plan of 2015 and assesses completion ability of business and investment plan in 5 years from 2011 to 2015

In the morning 26/9/2014, the leaders of BDCC has had a meeting and reported to the Ministry of Construction (MOC) on the implementation of his business for early 9 months, expecting ability to implement business and investment plans in 2014; business plan in 2015; evaluating the possibility of completing business investment plans for 5 years from 2011 to 2015 of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC.
The participants of MOC are Mr. Tran Thanh Ha – Head of Department for Finance and Planning, Ha Manh Hoat – Vice Head of Department for Personnel Organization, Mr. Dau Minh Thanh – Vice Head of Department for Business Management, Mr. Vu Cong Nguyen – Manager of General Department under Department for Finance and Planning and other experts from various department under MOC.

Mr. Le Trung Kien – General Director of the Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC is on behalf of the Leader Board of the Corporation to report on the implementation of business and investment in 2014, business plan in 2015 and assess the plan completion ability of 5- year plan (2011-2015). From that, implement the plan of early 9 months and expect for 2014, the Corporation has completed the planned basic criteria, namely: Value of business in early 9 months reached 2,996 billion VND, equally 67% yearly plan, proposed 4,487 billion VND in 2014, equally 100% the yearly plan; Revenue in early 9 months reached 2,381 billion VND, equally 68% yearly plan, proposed 3,526 billion VND in 2014, eqaully 100% yearly plan; Budget payment in early 9 months reached 71 billion VND, equally 65% yearly plan, proposed 109 billion VND in 2014, equally 100% yearly plan; Investment in early 9 months reacehd 52 billion VND, equally 37% yearly plan, propsed 94 billion VND in 2014, equally 67% yearly plan.

For setting up business plan in 2015, the Corporation will set a growth rate target of 5% compared with 2014, namely: Value of business: 4,734 billion VND; Revenue: 3,740 billion VND; Budget payment: 114 billion VND; Profit before tax: 48 billion VND.

Plan of development and investment in 2015 will be 386,5 billion VND, of which investment projects for Housing and Urban Development: 363,5 billion VND, occupied 94%; for other investment: 23 billion VND, occupied 6%.

Access the ability to complete 5- year plan (2011-2015), in condition that world economic declined, domestic economic gets difficulties, the Corporation has adjustment plan and the effort significantly, the determination of the leaders and staffs, the Corporation has performed well plan and has growth from the period of 5 years (2006-2010). The business work grows through every year (except 2011 with high growth rate, 13%), ensuring a profit, fully comply with the obligation to pay the state budget, the average income of workers increased; financial situation is healthy; completed equitization of parent company and restructured of some subsidiaries. Besides, there some outstanding matters: unfinishing restructuring target of business is until 2015 construction work accounted for 77%, industrial production and building materials and others accounted for 23%. So business efficiency is not high due to the construction business (accounting major) affected by fluctuations in market prices; investment and development speed is slow due to the equity of the Corporation has not met the requirements for counterpart funds to implement investment projects, the investment projects of urban areas has been slow due to real estate market meet difficulties.

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