Mr. Le Khac Nam – Permanent Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee went checking the construction progress of the Investment Project of building Viet Tiep Hospital 2

On 20th January 2016, Mr. Le Khac Nam – Permanent Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee together with leaders and experts of City Departments, bureaus, committees went checking the construction schedule at the site of Investment Project of building Viet Tiep Hospital 2.

Mr. Le Khac Nam and task force going checking the site

After visiting site, Mr. Le Khac Nam chaired the review meeting of construction progress with the representatives of Investor, Contractor, and other City’s departments’ and An Duong’s leaders

Mr. Le Khac Nam chairing the review meeting of project progress

At the meeting, representatives of Investor, City’s departments’ and An Duong’s leaders made full reports of the progress, quality, methods to allot the completed block in use, the fact of capital, ground clearance, construction work, and other knotty problems needed to submit and get directions from the City’s leaders.

Mr. Le Trung Kien – BDCC General Director making speech at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, the Vice Chairman recognized, dignified and highly appreciated the determination of BDCC and Project Management Board for good performance of the project, meeting the requirement of progress, quality and labor safety, and fire and explosion prevention. For the next period, City’s leaders asked Department of Construction to maintain frequent monitoring, direct the Project Management Board and Contractor to promote the spirit of taking responsibility of the project, taking special consideration for labor safety and hygiene, fire and explosion prevention. He asked departments and committees related (Conventional Treatment Hospital, Emergency 115, Center for HIV/AIDS) to quickly set up and make appraisal of detailed estimates of movement to the new base to submit to the City. He asked Department of Finance, Department of Planning and Investment to have a plan of preparation for recalling all capitals as requested from project progress. He asked An Duong Authority to quickly finish the task of ground clearance with 1 household left to hand over the project plan, as well as quickly deploy the treatment to ditch and canal system before the project to ensure the entrance traffic when the project was in use.

Some images of the task force’s activities at the site

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