Review Conference of Trade Union Activity Result in 2013

On 16th January 2014, the meeting of Trade Union Executive Committee of Bach Dang Construction Corporation (expansion) to review Trade Union activity result and performance on key tasks for 2014 was held. Attending the meeting were Mr To Van Hue, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation ; Mr  Nguyen Van Hung – Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation; Mr Vu Duc Thien – Deputy Chairman  of the Trade Union of the Corporation;  members of Executive Committee; Trade Union Inspection Committee of the Corporation; Chairman of Trade Union of dependent Companies.

Mr To Van Hue, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation made a speech at the Conference

Despite of many difficulties in 2013, the Trade Union of the Corporation was highly appreciated by the Conference of Trade Union Executive Committee of the Corporation (expansion) and they shall strive to fulfill the outlined objectives and tasks to contribute to the common success of the Corporation.

Nguyen Van Hung – Deputy Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation
made presentation report of trade union activity result in 2013

The conference outlined targets, key tasks in 2014 in accordance with the situation and tasks of Production and Business of the Corporation and the instruction of Vietnam Construction Trade Union to strive to make good implementation of tasks in 2014.

Conference scene

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