Summary of Production and Business Activities of 2009, perform tasks and promote emulation for 2010

Mr Tran Van Son– Deputy Ministerof Construction Ministry

Mr Dan Duc Hiep – Vice Presidentof Hai phong People’s Committee

Mr. Tran Van Son –member of the Party civil affairs committee, Vice Minister of ConstructionMinistry; Mr. Dan Duc Hiep – member of Party, Associate Professor, PhD, Vicepresident of Hai Phong People’s Committee attended and directed the conference.

Result ofproduction and business works of 2009: business production value: 3.398 bil. VND,reached 101% total year plan, increased 9% compared to the same period of 2008.Turnover: 2.328 bil. VND, reached 101% total year plan, increased 8% comparedto the same period of 2008. Capital recovery: 1.601 bil. VND, reached 100%total year plan, increased 9% compared to the same period of 2008. Budgetdelivery: 68 bil. VND, reached 102% total year plan, increased 4% compared tothe same period of 2008. Average income: 2.7mil. VND/person/month, reached 113%total year plan, increased 17% compared to the same period of 2008.

Mr Nguyen TienThanh – GeneralDirector reported the result of Production & Business works of 2009,perform tasks for 2010

In year of 2010,Bach Dang Construction Corporation proposes targets to keep stability andstrengthen tradition in the construction field, and access projects with largescale; manage and operate projects to ensure schedule, quality and laboursafety, in particular in remaining the trade mark of the Corporation; maintainthe firm growth speed; strengthen investment works to have capitals and assetsto change structure of the production and business; focus on the renovation andprevatization works, capability improvement in organization, management;interest in the training works, cultivating and improving quality of manpowerand having a suitbale policy for attracting high class manpower for the Corp.’sdevelopment; promote emulations in the main point projects, striving to fulfillall over quotas, stabilizing works, increasing earnings for workers… Targets of2010: business production value will be 3.775 bil. VND, increases 11% comparedto the same period of 2009; Turnover: 2.560 billion VND, increases 10% comparedto the same period of 2009; Capital recovery: 1.729 billion VND, increases 8%compared to the same period of 2009; Budget contribution: 73 billion VND,increases 6% compared to the same period of 2009. Average income: 3.2 millionVND, increases 19% compared to the same period of 2009.


Best efforts ofleaders and all staffs of the Corporation were highly appreciated for theircompleteness of plan of 2009 by the Vice Minister Tran Van Son, and Mr. Dan DucHop – Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee. The Vice Minister alsodirected and advised BDCC to enhance the management, overcome theirshortcomings, focus on the renovation and prevatization works, constructsuitable strategies to the new development, interest in the businessadministration, apply information technology so as to improve competitivecapability and remain steady development.

Mr Tran Van Son –Vice Minister of Construction Ministry awarded theSecond Class Labour Order to Mr Nguyen Huy Hoan – Chairman of Management Board, and the ThirdClass to Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – General Director

Authorized by thePrime Minister of the vernment, Mr. Tran Van Son awarded the Second ClassLabour Order to the Chairman of Management Board, the Third Class to theGeneral Director and the Emulative Flags and Certificates of Merit from thePrime Minister, Ministry of Construction to groups and individuals of BDCC.

Mr Tran van Son -Vice Minister of Construction Ministry awarded theCertificates of Merit of  vernment,emulative flags from Construction Ministry to groups and individuals

Authorized by theChairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee, Vice Chairman Dan Duc Hiep awardedthe Excellent Emulitive Flag to the BDCC’s Self- defence Regiment for theirleading movement of Hai Phong army of 2009 and the distinguished flag to the Bach Dang Centerfor test and construction survey for their completing overall tasks of 2009.

Mr. Dan Duc Hiep –Vice Chairman of Hai Phong People’s Committee awarded thedistinguished flags to Bach Dang Center for test and constructionsurvey and Bach Dang Construction Corporation

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