The closing ceremony of emulation movement “od at State job, capable of homework” in period of 5 years (2005 – 2009)

Mrs. Nguyen ThiYen – Vice Chairman of Vietnamese Construction Trade Union made speeches atthe Ceremony

To attend andguide the conference having Mrs. Nguyen Thi Yen – Vice Chairman of VietnameseConstruction Trade Union; Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hue – Vice Chairman of HaiPhongLabour Trade Union; Representative of Woman Board of Vietnamese ConstructionTrade Union and HaiPhong Labour Federation; Leaders, Chairman of TradeUnion  and excelent women of BDCC.

RepresentativeLeaders of Construction and BDCC gave flowers to the excelent women

Mr. Nguyen TienThanh -General Director and Mr. Doan Nc Anh – Chairman of Trade Union of BDCC handed overcertificate of merti to excelent groups and individuals

Over the fiveyear implementation of the movement “od at State job and capable ofhomework” the Vietnamese General Confederation of Labor , having 05excelent groups and 10 excelent individuals of all female employees have beensuggested to be given Certificate of Merits by Vietnamese Construction TradeUnion, HaiPhong Labor Federation. 03 collectives and 05 individuals givenCertificate of Merits by BDCC’s Trade Union Standing Board and over 100 femaleemployees awarded “od water, make the house” at the corporationclass.

Photograph ofLeaders and Representatives at the Conference

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