The Housing and Urban Development Holdings held the Summary Conference of business and production tasks of 2010 and made presentation of oriented tasks of business and production of 2011

On 20 January, 2011, the Summary Conference of business and production tasks of 2010 and made presentation of oriented tasks of business and production of 2011 was held by Housing and Urban Development Holdings at Cultural Hall of Linh Dam new urban model – Ha Noi City.

Mr Nguyen Hong
Quan – Minister of Construction Ministry; Mr Pham Viet Mon – vice Head of
government office – vice Head of Innovation Instruction and Business
Development Department; Nguyen Tran Nam – Deputy Minister; representatives of
some Ministries, Departments, Central sectors and Ha Noi City; reporters from
local and central newspapers. Mr Nguyen Hiep – Party Secretary- Chairman of the
Holdings; Mr Nguyen Thanh Minh – Vice Chairman of the Holdings, Mr Nguyen Dang
Nam – General Director of the Holdings; several members of the Party and Member
Council, Board of Directors of the Holdings; Chairmen of Member Council,
General Director, vice Directors of member Companies; representatives of staffs
and workers of the Holdings.

Mr Nguyen Hong
Quan – Minister of Construction Ministry 

Mr Nguyen Hiep – Party
Secretary, Chairman of the Holdings

Mr Nguyen Hiep – Party
Secretary, Chairman of the Holdings made presentation of the summary report on
business and production activities of 2011. According to his report, with its
specific organizational models and activities after 9 months, Member Council
developed and completed a great deal of important activities with its
functional tasks to create legislative basis for development orientation of the
Holdings and member Companies. Overcoming difficulties, challenges, and performing
as directed by the government, and the Party Executives of Construction sector
of 2010, all the business and production plans of 2010 were successfully
completed reaching the target and it was much higher than that of 2009 such as:
total business and production value: 34.218 billion VND (increased 20% compared
to 2009); total investment value: 13.165 billion VND (increased 67.5% compared
to 2009); total gross floor: 959.272 m2 (increased 42 % compared to 2009);
turnover: 31.125 billion VND (increased 21% compared to 2009); State budget
delivery: 2.370 billion VND (increased 40 % compared to 2009); profit before
tax:2.058 billion VND (increased 28 % compared to 2009); import and export
value: 51.3 million USD. 2011 is the first year when socio economic development
strategy of 2011 – 2020 is carried out with steady and rapid growth to create a
basis for development of our country and becoming a modern and industrial
country until 2020 under the Resolution of the national Party Congress. In
respect of business and investment in property, the demand for house and land
is highly increasing with the development and fast urbanization of our country.
Construction investment and property business policies are gradually completed.
General plan of Ha Noi Capital is completed and approved which will facilitate
the suitable planned projects to be continued to develop. However, the housing
and urban development is fiercely competitive. The property market is complexly
developed; bid method and bid delivery is not completed. Therefore, plan of 2011
is made by Housing and Urban development Holdings with the following criterion:
Total investment value: 17.623 billion VND (increased 35% compared to 2010),
total business and production value: 41.383 billion VND (increased 21% compared
to 2010), turnover: 36.326 billion VND (increased 16% compared to 2010), profit:
2.462 billion VND (increased 20% compared to 2010), State budget delivery: 2.944
billion VND (increased 24% compared to 2010), total gross floor for housing completed:
1,5 million m2; import export value: 197 million USD, increased 3,8 times… Although,
our country is still in difficult socioeconomic circumstance, all the results
of successful business and production were achieved by Housing and Urban
Development Holdings after one year which brings happiness, excitement and
trust to all the staff members of the Holdings and it is an important premise
for the Holdings to create its development strategy orientation for the coming

All the business
and production results of parent Company – Holdings and its member Companies
have reached during 2010 were highly appreciated and praised by Mr Nguyen Hong
Quan – Minister of Construction Ministry. The Holding was proposed to promote
its result of 2010 and continue to coordinate with member Companies to take
advantages of their strength for development tasks and make replication of
model new urban areas through out the country in order to create housing fund
taking part in regulating property market.

Presentations of
business and production results of 2010 and the target of business and
production tasks of 2011 of member Companies were made by General Directors
from Ha Noi Construction Corporation, Glass and Ceramic Corporation, Viet Nam
Water Supply Sewerage and Environment Construction Investment Corporation and
Bach Dang Construction Corporation…

Mr Nghiem Sy Minh
– General Director of Ha Noi Construction Corporation

Mr Le Kha Manh – General
Director of Viet Nam
Water Supply Sewerage and Environment Construction Investment Corporation

Mr Nguyen Anh
Tuan – General Director of Viglacera Corporation

Mr Pham Tien Hung
– General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation

At the
Conference, The Decisions were also declared and emulation titles of
government, Construction Ministry, General Confederation of Labor of Vietnam,
Viet Nam Trade Union Construction were awarded to distinguished collectives of 2010.

Mr Nguyen Hong
Quan – Minister of Construction Ministry awarded the emulation flags of
Construction Ministry  to distinguished
collectives of 2010

Mr  Nguyen Tran Nam – Vice Minister of
Construction Ministry awarded the emulation flags of General Confederation of
Labor of Vietnam and Viet Nam Trade Union Construction to distinguished
collectives of 2010

Before closing
the Conference, a launching ceremony was carried out to all collectives and
individuals of the Holdings for emulation and completion of targets and
business and production plans of 2011 by Mr Duong Van Phuc, vice Director,
Chairman of Trade Union.

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