Trainee’s dormitory project of the Border Acamedy

Bach Dang Construction Corporation has been choosen as a Contractor who performs the Package No.3 “Construction of Trainee’s dormitory 8C2 under the Trainee’s dormitory project of the Border Acamedy in the Decision No. 4347/QĐ-BQP dated 20/11/2009 of Minister of the Defend Ministry. BDCC and the Owner have formally signed Contract 03/2009/HĐXD on the 24th November 2009.

Ground Breaking
Ceremony of Trainee’s dormitory of the Border Acamedy

This Package valued
18,224,880,000.0VND, scheuded 12 months from the contract signing date, located
in Son Loc Ward, Son Tay
Town, Ha Noi City. Da Nang Branch
of BDCC is the unit who directly performs this Work.

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