Bach Dang Construction Corporation – TOPTEN Vietnam Power Trademark 2017

On 13th and 14/4/2018 in Hanoi, Vietnamese Economic Times held the Festival of Golden Dragon Enterprise (17th) and Vietnam Power Trademark (13th) with the title “Prosperous connection, stable development”. Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – General Director, representing Bach Construction Corporation-JSC. came to attend and receive the title “TOPTEN Vietnam Power Trademark”.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – BDCC General Director, representing BDCC receiving the title “TOPTEN Vietnam Power Trademark  2018”

Attending and speaking in the chain of important economic, business events was leader representatives of National Assembly, Central Economic Committee, Plan and Investment Ministry, local cities and provinces leading in FDI attraction and ambassador representatives of countries and regions owning the biggest FDI projects in Vietnam, with international organizations, associations, economic specialists, and especially, more than 500 CEOs of FDI and Vietnamese enterprises. Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – BDCC General Director attended the meeting and received the title of Power Trademark.

The Golden Dragon and Power Trademark Enterprise Festival is held annually to recognize and encourage enterprises with outstanding achievements in production, business and service activities. Applying environmental technology solutions, fulfilling the duty of paying taxes, as well as ensuring that employees actively participate in social activities, community

Facing with many challenges, but by determination and effort, BDCC staffs always strive to keep the average growth rate from 10% to 15% per year. In 2017 alone, the corporation has achieved a total production value of VND7,208 billion, surpassing 8% of the planned target. Total revenue in 2017 is 12% higher than the plan, reaching VND5,606 billion . Most of the Corporation’s other targets in 2017 exceeded the target. Therefore, over the years, Bach Dang Construction Corporation has always been considered as a bright spot in the enterprises under the Ministry of Construction and was honored to be one of the typical enterprises that have “stable economic growth in the context of economic difficulties ”

This year’s Vietnam Golden Dragon Enterprise and Power Trademark Fair includes 62 foreign-invested enterprises named Golden Dragon and 100 Vietnamese companies with strong brands, especially the Construction Corporation Bach Dang was voted into Top 10 Prestigious Development Enterprises. The enterprises that are honored this time have good growth and development results; efforts to overcome difficulties in the context of economic crisis region and the world lasted; having a strategic plan to enhance competitiveness in terms of quality, service, people… so that they can take initiative in catching up on opportunities and challenges from international integration.

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