Construction Work Completion of Youth for celebration of the 80th year of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at the construction site of Vung Ang 1 thermal power Plant

Attendance at thecelebration: Mr Le Chi Vu – Commissioner of Standing Board – Head department ofHai Phong Youth Union, Mr Ha Dinh Nien – vice Head department of Constructionof Vung Ang-Quang Trach Petrovietnam Electricity Project Management Unit, Mr HoLe Quang – vice secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vung Ang 1thermal power Unit- Lilama, Mr Nguyen Van An – Party member – Council member –vice Director of the Corporation, Mr Nguyen Van Hung – Party member – Secretaryof Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the Corporation, Mr Tran Huy Hoang -Secretary of Youth Union of the Corporation, Mr Le Hong Son – Director ofManagement Board of Vung Ang thermal power project together with all the YouthUnion members of Project Management Board.


Reinforcedconcrete chimney – Vung Ang 1 thermal power Plant consists of two main parts:

Reinforcedconcrete foundation: volume of reinforcement fabrication of 110 tons, concretevolume was 1200m3. Chimney pipe cap was set on 108 bored piles with diameter of800mm. The chimney frame is a key project, the characteristics of Vung Ang 1thermal power Project with a height of 176.5 m, internal diameter of 17m , wallthickness varies from 55cm to 29cm, the concrete volume of  4000 m3, reinforcement volume of 570 tons,18000m2 of surface need to be processed, the construction time under contractwith the CRI Contractor was 42 days, the items need to have a constructionprocess tight and reasonable supervision to ensure progress, quality, quantityand occupational safety as required.


Under closedirection of leaders of Project Management Board and the effort, enthusiasm inthe work of 120 staff members and Youth Union members. All staff members haveovercome difficulties and harsh weather, erratic rain with their youth andcollective enthusiasm. After 31 days and nights of tireless effort and creativelabor (24/24), all the items of chimney frame were completed 11 days ahead ofschedule by Union members to ensure quality, aesthetics, and labor safety.


The completedwork showed the strength, willpower, confidence of youth in charge of keyproject, their efforts were marked and highly appreciated for expression ofcreativity in Production labor of youth, which was the fulcrum for completionof the work with the best quality as the required time. Completion of chimneycontributed to the success of the project and it was a prerequisite for YouthUnion of   Bach Dang ConstructionCorporation could undertake large Projects and more complex.


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