Party Secretary, Chairman of Members Council of Bach Dang Construction Corporation Inspected Construction Progress of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant

Chairman of Members Council Nguyen Huy Hoan inspected the construction site

 After construction site inspection and having a meeting with Huyndai general Contractor, Chairman of Members Council held a meeting with Project Management Board and construction Companies.

At the meeting, the Chairman praised the achievements for completion of all items at Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant.  Up to now, most of the items under the main Contract (except for 4 small items: 2 items of civil package and 2 items of Building package did not have enough conditions for execution) have handed over Huyndai general Contractor which satisfied quality and progress requirements.

Mr  Nguyen Huy Hoan  presided at the meeting at the office of Project Management Board

To ensure the remaining items in accordance to requirement of the project, he emphasized that Project Management Board and construction Companies shall continue to carry out these following requirements:
– The items in the main contract with enough conditions shall be completed in December of 2013;
– Take care of repairing defected items to hand over to General Contractor;
– Focus on completion of payment documents for volume executed in September, October, and November of 2013;
– Implementing procedures with general contractor about signing contract addendum of additional volumes in main contract and additional works from general contractor;
– Safety should be ensure during the construction process, the troubles should make specific reports to the Corporation’s leaders in order to resolve promptly and resolutely do not affect the overall progress of the entire project.

Panorama of Mong Duong 1 Thermal Power Plant

The results achieved so far is due to the synchronization of mechanisms and new solutions, management organization – appropriate instructions, a unity collective from the Project Management Board to the construction Companies with plenty of creativity to overcome difficulties and obstacles and make efforts to ensure progress, quality and safety before the Owner, general contractor and partners.

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