Preliminary Conference of Production and Business Activities of early 6 months, Perform Tasks for final 6 months of 2011.

Mr Nguyen HuyHoan – Party Secretary –  Chairman ofMember Council of the Corporation

Mr Pham Tien Hung- General Director of the Corporation

Attendance at theConference: Mr Nguyen Huy Hoan – Party Secretary – Chairman of Member Councilof the Corporation, Mr Pham Tien Hung – General Director of the Corporation, MrDoan Nc Anh – Trade Union Chairman of the Corporation, vice Directors, headand deputy  head of Party Office ,Secretary of Youth Union, head and vice head of all Departments of theCorporation; Chairmen of Management Boards, Directors, Chief accountants ofmember Companies, Headmaster of Hai Phong technical professional school.

On behalf of theleaders of the Corporation, Mr Pham Quang Tuong – vice general Director madepresentation of summary report of production and business activities at theConference.

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