The Conference to review the 5-year time implementing Directive 03 of Politburo about continuing learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s morals

Comrade Do Manh Hien speaking to steer the Conference
Delegates at the Conference

In 5 past years, Directive 03 was focused to implement seriously, and it was determined to be a long-term task     together with Central Resolution 4 (session XI). All leaders and members fully recognized the importance of Directive 03; thus, they had themselves responsible for self tranining and promoting to follow Ho Chi Minh’s morals, creating the change in action and carrying out the duty of business production, building Party and unions. Many individuals and groups typical for various fields appeared, ensuring the stability and stable development of BDCC. Also, BDCC Party Committee managed well to build, organize a chaste and strong Party committee. All dependent committees completed their tasks and there was no committee under the level.


Comrade Le Trung Kien – Commissioner, BDCC’s Party Secretary, General Director speaking
Comrade Luu Quang Bon – Party members, Deputy General Directors of BDCC speaking

On this occation, BDCC’s Party Committee dignified and rewarded many individuals and groups typical for the movement of learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s morals, Party committees and members typical for 5-year period of 2010-2015 and gave 30-year-old Party badges to 08 Party members.

Party members receiving 30-year-old Party badges

Individuals and groups awarded with merits

Conference’s scene

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