The Party Committee of Bach Dang Construction Corporation will organize a ceremony to award Party badges on February 3, 2024.

On January 19, 2024, the Party Committee of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – Joint Stock Company organized a ceremony to award 30-year and 40-year Party badges to two Party members.

In attendance were Mr Bui Van Ha, Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Committee’s Inspection Commission; comrades representing various Committees under the Party Committee of the Business Unit; Mr Duong Van Them, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Corporation, General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – Joint Stock Company; along with Heads and Deputy Heads of Departments and Offices of the Corporation, as well as Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of Party Cells under the Party Committee of the Corporation.

Overview of the conference.

At the conference, Mr Bui Van Ha, a member of the Standing Committee and Head of the Inspection Commission of the Party Committee at the block level, congratulated and solemnly presented the 30-year Party badge to Mr Nguyen Huu Sau – Deputy Secretary of the Party Cell of Bach Dang 4 Joint Stock Company. He emphasized in his speech: The presentation of the Party badge is the Party’s recognition of the dedication of party members to the revolutionary cause of the Party. This is not only the honor of Mr Nguyen Huu Sau personally but also the honor of the Party Committee of the Corporation. From this point, Party members are encouraged to follow, continue to train, strive, and excellently fulfill the assigned tasks.

Mr Nguyen Huy Nghiep, an official of the Organizational Committee of the Party Committee at the block level, read the decision on awarding the Party badge.
Mr Bui Van Ha, a member of the Standing Committee and Head of the Inspection Commission of the Party Committee at the block level, presented the 30-year Party badge, while Mr Duong Van Them, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Corporation, and General Director of the Corporation, presented congratulatory flowers to Mr Nguyen Huu Sau.”

Throughout 30 years standing in the ranks of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Mr Nguyen Huu Sau has consistently remained loyal to the Party, the Homeland, and the people. He has upheld the qualities of a communist, steadfast in Marxist-Leninist ideology and Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, maintaining revolutionary ethics, promoting a pioneering spirit, and setting a shining example. He continuously engages in learning, self-cultivation, and personal development.

In his work, Mr Sau consistently demonstrates a sense of responsibility, a serious attitude, a scientific approach to work, adheres to principles, upholds democracy, respects and listens to the opinions of officials, Party members, and the people. He preserves unity within the Party. In daily life, he remains modest, humble, exemplary, and sincere.