The XXV Congress of the Trade Union of the Corporation for the term of 2023 – 2028

On July 14, 2023, the Trade Union of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC held the Trade Union Congress for the term 2023-2028. Attending the Congress were Mr. Do Van Quang, Standing Vice Chairman of Vietnam Construction Trade Union, heads and deputy heads of departments under the Vietnam Construction Trade Union, Mr. Duong Van Them Party Committee Secretary, General Director Bach Dang Construction Corporation – Joint Stock Company with the leaders of the units and 95 delegates from the affiliated grassroots trade unions. The Presidium to run the Congress includes Mr. Hoang Anh, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Corporation, Mrs. Bui Thi Dieu – Vice President, Mr. Le Hong Cuong – Chairman of the Trade Union’s Trade Committee for the term 2018  – 2023.

The art of welcoming the convention

Salute the opening flag of the Congress

Mr. Le Hong Cuong – Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the Corporation

Mr. Hoang Anh, Chairman of the Corporation’s Trade Union.

Mrs. Bui Thi Dieu – Vice Chairman of the Corporation’s Trade Union

According to the Summary Report on Trade Union activities for the term 2018-2023 and orientations and tasks for the term 2023-2028, the Corporation’s Trade Union currently has a total of 1,109 members participating in activities. In the past 5 years, in the condition that the unit has many changes during the transfer process in terms of organizational model, the staff and employees of the units have had fluctuations in quantity and quality due to changes in business model. Management model and impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. With the role and functions of the Trade Union, the Corporation’s Trade Union directly directs and coordinates with the grassroots Trade Unions to basically fulfill their responsibilities as an organization. representing, taking care of and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employees and employees. The material and spiritual life of union members has been gradually raised; Trade union movement activities ensure quality, better efficiency.

Mr. Duong Van Them – Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director of Bach Construction Corporation – JSC spoke at the Congress

Along with the development of the Corporation, the Trade Union has constantly grown, affirming its important position and role. As a political and social organization of the working class and workers, in the last term, the trade union and workers of the Corporation have promoted the tradition, closely following the orientation of the Trade Union at all levels. above, the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, good coordination with the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors, well accomplished the set goals and tasks; movement of workers, workers and trade union activities of the Corporation have achieved positive and outstanding results, making important contributions to the successful implementation of the Corporation’s tasks. In the last term, many individuals and collectives have been awarded by the Board of Directors and General Director of the Corporation for outstanding achievements in production and business activities, and many certificates from the superior trade union. commendation, certificate of commendation.

On behalf of the Corporation’s leaders, the General Director of the Corporation recognized and warmly praised and congratulated the achievements that the Trade Union and workers and employees in the Corporation have achieved in the past term.

Mr. Duong Van The – Secretary of the Party Committee, General Director of Bach Construction Corporation – JSC Voting to elect the Executive Committee of the Trade Union

The Presidium voted to elect the Executive Committee of the Corporation’s Trade Union

Attending and directing the Congress, Mr. Do Van Quang – Standing Vice Chairman of Vietnam Construction Union highly appreciated and praised the efforts and efforts of the Trade Union of Bach Dang Construction Corporation – JSC achieved in the last term. At the same time, he expressed his belief that with the attention and support of the Corporation’s Board of Directors, together with the solidarity and efforts of trade union members, the Corporation’s Trade Union Executive Board for the term of 2023 – 2028 will complete assigned task.

Mr. Do Van Quang – Standing Vice Chairman of Vietnam Construction Trade Union speaking at the Congress

The Congress elected the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of the Corporation for the 26th time, term of 2023-2028 including 09 comrades; elect 02 official delegates and 01 alternate delegate to attend the 14th Vietnam Construction Trade Union Congress.

The Executive Committee for the term 2023-2028 launched the Congress.

The XXVI Trade Union Congress of Bach Dang Construction Corporation, term 2023 – 2028 is an important event to recognize the results of the employee movement and trade union activities in the period. in the 2018-2023 period, setting out key directions and goals in the coming term.

Although there are still many difficulties and challenges, the Trade Union of Bach Dang Construction Corporation believes that under the leadership of the Vietnam Construction Trade Union, the Party Committee, the Board of Directors and the Board of General Directors, the Corporation’s Trade Union will decide The heart continues to promote the tradition of Bach Dang Construction Corporation, learns from the limitations and shortcomings in the previous term, unites, and strives to build a truly united group of employees and employees in the Corporation. ,strong, contributing to the development of Bach Dang Construction Corporation in the following years./.