Pha Lai power plant was built in two phases. Phase I was started to build in the 80s USSR .Therefore help us build 4 units. Each unit of 110 MW, are designed with a block diagram of two furnaces may.To unit 1 was put into operation on 03.10.1983 and completion date Unit 4 in 1986. The total design capacity is 440 MW.
Phase II (expansion) was started construction in May 6/1996 by the company’s Su Mit winning Japan as an investor building with 2 units. Each unit of 300 MW with a fireplace a may.Tong diagram design capacity is 600 MW line II. Lines II was completed and power generation in March 2003.
To keep up integration with the world economy and the policy of the Party and the state, increase worker ownership. Be approved and supported by the General Electricity of Vietnam. Pha Lai Thermal Power Plant was officially renamed Corporation Pha Lai Thermal Power .Ngay18 January 01 2006.
The main fuel for the company’s coal from Mao Khe Coal Mine, Gold List, Uong Bi … v, the Company shipped by river and rail.
After putting the last unit on the ability to work 14/03/2006 The company can provide the national grid of about 7.2 billion kWh / year.