Bach Dang Construction Corporation-JSC. launched the emulation of production labour under Rehabilitating and Upgrading Project of Hai Phong Water Supply System – Stage 2

On 18/4/2018 morning, at the site of Package CW2 – Upgrading An Duong Water Treatment Plant under Rehabilitating and Upgrading Project of Hai Phong Water Supply System – Stage 2, Bach Dang Construction Corporation-JSC. held the Launching Ceremony for production labor emulation in order to encourage staffs and workers of the contractors for Package CW2 to promote their spirit of solidarity, creative labor emulation to meet the requirements of quality, efficiency of works, ensure the labor hygiene safety, environment hygiene, strive to comprehensively complete the targets of progress of the package to win achievements on occasion of 60-year traditional day of BDCC (31/08/1958 – 31/08/2018).

Delegates at the Ceremony

Attending the Ceremony was Mr. Dao Viet Dung – BDCC Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of Management Board, Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – BDCC Party Committee Deputy Secretary, General Director, Deputy General Directors, Mr. Hoang Anh – BDCC Union President, Mr. Vu Hong Duong – Chairman of Hai Phong Water Supply Joint Stock Company, leader representatives of Supervisor Consultant and Joint Venture contractors, Managers and Vice managers of BDCC functional departments, PMU for Package CW2, leader representatives of execution units (Bach Dang Construction Joint Stock Company 201); representatives of execution teams and groups, workers on site  with reporters of Hai Phong Radio – Television Station.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – BDCC General Director launching the emulation at package site

Package CW2 is one of important packages to the City, including: Upgrading An Duong Water Treatment Plant 100,000m3/day to 200,000m3/day; constructing the transmission pipeline D800-D500 for An Duong water treatment plant – Vo Nguyen Giap street. When the package is on completion, the technological line shall be completed for An Duong water treatment plant to meet the demand of fresh water at good quality, amount as well as the pressure for 04 urban districts: Hong Bang, Ngo Quyen, Le Chan, Hai An, Dinh Vu Industrial Zone and Cat Hai island, also contribute to the completion of the target for Rehabilitating and Upgrading Project of Hai Phong Water Supply System – Stage 2: Ensure the environmental hygiene conditions and community health through fresh water supply to people, on the other hand, improve and synchronize the water supply system, enhance the management capacity, service quality, meeting the current demands and keeping pace up with the long-lasting plan up to 2025, vision to 2050.

Mr. Vu Hong Duong – Chairman of Hai Phong Water Supply Joint Stock Company, on behalf of Employer, speaking…

Speaking at the Ceremony, Mr. Vu Hong Duong – Chairman of Hai Phong Water Supply JSC, on behalf of Employer, appraised Joint Venture of Contractor BDCC – Salcon (Malaysia) to be a strong and prestigious enterprise in construction and equipment supply. BDCC has been a big enterprise with its execution capacity to be confirmed through the part it has played in national and local great works during the history. He expressed his belief that the Joint Venture would finish the work in 18 months (10 months ahead to planned schedule by Employer – 28 months).

Mr. Dao Viet Dung – BDCC Chairman (on the left) and Mr. Vu Hong Duong giving gifts to PMU and execution teams

Up to now, BDCC has completed 20% of workload, well meeting the demand of labor hygiene safety, quality, art-technique and required schedule and getting high recommendation from Employer and Engineer.

Speaking at the Ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Trong Khai – BDCC General Director, on be half of BDCC leaders and Emulation and Reward Board, recognized and dignified the efforts and achievements of the PMU and workers for Package CW2 during last time. General Director emphasized that package CW2 was one of important civil works of the City. An early completion should bear great meaning to the City’s health care system. Thus, BDCC leaders shall focus to their best of finance, human… resources to condition the work for a completion ahead of schedule as requested from Employer.

In the next time, the remaining workload shall be big. BDCC leaders shall call the package workers and staffs for solidarity, creativeness, emulation for production and striving for completion ahead of schedule as well as ensuring the requests of labor hygiene safety, quality and art-technique..

Leader representatives of the Corporation, PMU, Execution teams and…

… execution teams signing the Labor Production Competition Contract 

In response to the Ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Truong – Director of PMU for CW2, Site Manager and Mr. Vuong Tien Dung – Director of Bach Dang 201 JSC, representatives of execution teams agreed to shorten the schedule into 18 months (in compare with 28 months as planned). At the Ceremony, PMU and execution teams together signed the Emulation Contract, showing their determination to complete the project as requested from Employer, making achievements for 60-year traditional day of Corporation (31/08/1958 – 31/08/2018).

The overview of emulation launching ceremony

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