Housing and Urban Development Holdings Held a Preliminary Conference in the first 6 months of 2011

Attending the conference, invited guests were Mr. Nguyen Hong Quan -Minister of Construction Ministry; Nguyen Tran Nam – Vice Minister ofConstruction Ministry; Nguyen Dong Tien – Deputy vernor of State Bank; LieutenantGeneral Hoang Kong Tu- Deputy General Director of the General Security II(Police Ministry); leaders of departments, Institutes of vernment Office,Ministry of Construction and reporters coming from press agencies. Housing andUrban Development Holdings included: Mr. Nguyen Hiep – Party Secretary,Chairman of the Member Council; Nguyen Thanh Minh – vice Chairman of MemberCouncil; Nguyen Dang Nam – member of Member Council, General Director of theHoldings; leaders of the Party , Member Council of the Holdings, Board ofDirectors, Trade Union Executive Committee, Youth Union, departments, ProjectManagement Board of the Holdings and the Corporations, member companies,representatives for all the employees of the Holdings


Preliminary report of Mr. Nguyen Dang Nam – General Director waspresented at the conference focused on three major issues: Action Plan of theHoldings to implement the Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP of the vernment on 24February, 2011; preliminary, assessment of business and production activitiesof last six months of 2011; orientation, objectives and tasks of business plansof last 6 months of 2011. 2011 was reported to be the first year when theHoldings entered to implement the development strategy during 5 years 2011-2015has been through in the middle of the 3rd term by Party Conference of theHoldings. Alignment with the direction of the vernment, Party Civil Committeeof Construction Ministry, 05 groups of measures should be deployed to implementthe 11th Resolution of the vernment that has overcome difficulties,challenges in the first six months. Business and production plans of 2011 were carried out by Housing andUrban Development Holdings and made achievement of remarkable results, as thebasis and important conditions to implement and complete the task of productionand business of last six months of 2011 on schedule. Over six months the Grouphas made the business and production value: 19,376 billion VND (reaching 47% of2011), the investment value: 6,144 billion VND (reaching 39% of 2011),turnover: 16,852 billion VND (reaching 47 % of 2011), profit: 984 billion VND(reaching 42% of 2011), State budget: 854 billion VND (reaching 33% of 2011),total floor area:  465.000m2 (31% of2011). The economy of the country of last 6 months of 2011 was determined to becontinued to meet difficulties. Therefore, plans, targets, tasks and measureswere made to implement the following criteria: business and production value:21,594 billion VND, investment value: 9,681 billion VND, turnover: 19,015billion VND, revenue: 1,383 billion VND, the State budget: 1.740 billion VND,and total floor area: 1.029.000m2.

Minister of Construction Ministry made speeches at the Conference

Chairman of the Holdings made speeches at the Conference

04 member Corporations of the Holdings made presentation of speeches tocontribute to the general report of the Group as well as production andbusiness results of the first 6 months and plans, objectives, measures of last6 months the Corporations.

At the Conference, the Group was praised by Minister Nguyen Hong Quan forthe first six months of 2011 because of having made great efforts to overcomechallenges to achieve important results, in which after more than a year ofestablishment and put in operation, great effectiveness of the Group has beenachieved and their pilot program of establishment of the State Economic Groupof the Party and the vernment was determined to be correct. He said that thelast 6 months of 2011, the country’s economy continued to meet difficulties.Therefore, Vietnam Housing and Urban Development Holdings was required to haveflexible solutions and od measures, great efforts shall be made to completebusiness and production plan of 2011. In the process, the Group was required tofocus on implementing three things: Firstly, production and business efficiencyshall maintain and ensure sound finance; Secondly, continuing to be the leadingposition in construction and development of new urban areas throughout thecountry; Thirdly: continuing to perfect the organizational model of the Groupin order to maximize power and efficiency of the Group to prove the pilotprogram of establishment on state economic group was correct.

General Director made presentation of Preliminary Report

Acquiring the opinion of the Minister, Mr Nguyen Hiep – Chairman ofCouncil Member of the Group said that three key objectives which were outlinedby him was considered to be very important, and it will be done by the Group toimplement these als successfully in the Group. Leaders of member Corporationsof the Group were proposed to understand thoroughly the contents of thepreliminary Conference, in which at least 05 groups of measures that leaders ofthe Group agreed to be through for contribution to successful plan’s completionof 2011.

Leaders of 04 Corporations made speeches at the Preliminary Conference

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