Implementing Decision No. 1693, 1692, 1694-QD/DUK dated December 18, 2023, of the Party Committee of the Enterprises Bloc of Hai Phong City regarding the admission of party members, on the morning of January 12, 2024, the Party Cell of the Bach Dang Construction Corporation and the Party Cell of the Testing and Construction Joint Stock Company under the Party Committee of the Bach Dang Construction Corporation organized a ceremony to admit outstanding individuals Nguyen Dong Phuong, Doan Van Du, Nguyen Xuan Truong into the party.

The scene of the ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by Mr Hoang Anh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation; Comrade Secretary of the Party Cell of the Bach Dang Construction Corporation, Comrade Secretary of the Testing and Construction Joint Stock Company under the Party Committee of Bach Dang Construction Corporation, along with the entire Party Executive Committee and Party members of the Party Cell.

The induction ceremony took place in a solemn atmosphere, following the proper procedures and regulations of the Party’s Charter. During the ceremony, decisions to admit new party members were announced and conferred upon the comrades. Congratulatory speeches were delivered to the new party members who, after a period of training and continuous efforts, have been honored to join the ranks of the Communist Party of Vietnam. It is hoped that the new party members will continue to strive, cultivate their ethical qualities, work style, and successfully fulfill the assigned tasks. Moreover, they are particularly expected to fulfill their duties as Party members during the probationary period as stipulated by the regulations of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Mr Hoang Anh, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy General Director of Bach Dang Construction Corporation, presented congratulatory flowers to the comrades.

“he new party members have sworn absolute loyalty to the ideals and revolutionary goals of the Party, strictly adhering to the Party’s political line, the Party’s Charter, resolutions, and directives of the Party, as well as the legal policies of the State. They pledge to fulfill their duties as Party members, continue to strive, elevate the spirit of responsibility, and exert even greater efforts to become official members of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The new party members recited their oath before the ceremony.

The induction ceremony of new party members was successfully conducted, making a significant contribution to supplementing the Party Committee of Bach Dang Construction Corporation in particular, and the Communist Party of Vietnam in general, with a young, educated, enthusiastic, and capable cadre of party members.

The leadership of the Corporation, along with the officials of the Company, congratulated the new party members.