Student’s dormitory in Hai Phong

Bach DangConstruction Corporation participates in performing Package 14 “Construction ofthe 15-floor building under the Investment [...]

Ha Noi Beer Factory Project in Hai Phong

 This Contractvalued 64,800,000,000.0 VND and started on 21st December 2009 with construction schedule 189 days. [...]

Nam An Khanh New Urban Area

Turn Key ContractSigning Ceremony Project: HighFloor Apartment CT1 – NamAn Khanh New Urban Area Nam [...]

Bach Dang Construction Corporation participates in performing the EPC Contract of Vung Ang 1 Thermo-electric factory

This Factory owned by the Petrovietnam, including two machine groups of 1,200MW cap. productive power [...]

Preliminary Meeting of the Production and Business Activities of the earlier six months and tasks of the final six months of 2009

Mr. Nguyen Tran Nam– member of Party civil affairs committee, Vice Minister of ConstructionMinistry; Mr. [...]

Construction of PVFC branch’s office in Hai Phong

Ground BreakingCeremony of PVFC branch in Hai Phong On the 4th July 20029,PVFC branch’s office [...]

Construction of Vung Ang 1 Thermal-Power Plant

Bach DangConstruction Corporation performs some main works of this EPC Contract (Design,Equipment Supply, Installation, construction, [...]

Trainee’s dormitory project of the Border Acamedy

Ground BreakingCeremony of Trainee’s dormitory of the Border Acamedy This Package valued18,224,880,000.0VND, scheuded 12 months [...]

Self- defence Regiment of Bach Dang Construction Corporation: Take part in National defence sport Festival of year 2009 – Hai phong City.

Self- defenceRegiment of Bach Dang Construction Corporation attended Sport FestivalInauguration Self- defenceRegiment of Bach Dang [...]

BACH DANG CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION reaches nearly 1000 bil. VND of output value, increases 6 percent.

Construction ofThanh Hoa Water Drainage System By the end ofApril, 2009, Bach Dang Construction Corporation [...]

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