BDCC on track to implement ahead of schedule of Machinery Unit 1 – Project of Thermal Power Plant Long Phu 1

During the time from 27/01/2016 to 01/02/2016, BDCC finished the work of casting concrete period [...]

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BDCC gave gifts to farmer members in difficult circumstances of different districts (Kien An, Duong Kinh, Tien Lang, Kien Thuy) in Hai Phong city

On implementing BDCC’s program of social security 2016, getting the support from Hai Phong Farmer [...]

BDCC celebrated the New Year’s Eve Party of 2015, welcoming New Spring of 2016

Chairman Dao Viet Dung making speech of greetings for Tet to the whole BDCC personnel [...]

BDCC on track to implement ahead of schedule of Machinery Unit 1 – Project of Thermal Power Plant Long Phu 1

Thermal Power Plant Long Phu 1 is the Coal fired Power Plant belonging to Long [...]

BDCC gave gifts to farmer members in difficult circumstances of different districts (Kien An, Duong Kinh, Tien Lang, Kien Thuy) in Hai Phong city

Leader representatives of Hai Phong Farmer Association, leaders of BDCC, representatives of local authoritiesvisiting, encouraging, [...]

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Tổng công ty Xây dựng Bạch Đằng tổ chức Tất niên 2015, đón Xuân mới Bính Thân 2016

Tối ngày 04/02/2016, Cơ quan Tổng Công ty Xây dựng Bạch Đằng đã tổ chức [...]

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Tổng công ty Xây dựng Bạch Đằng – CTCP trên đà thực hiện vượt tiến độ Tổ máy số 1 – dự án Nhà máy Nhiệt điện Long Phú 1

Trong các ngày từ 27-01 đến 01-02-2016 Tổng công ty Xây dựng Bạch Đằng đã [...]

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TK CongDoan