Multipurpose buildings project in Tran Phu St., Ha Dong Dist., Ha Noi City

Currently, the citizen’s demand for apartments in Ha Dong district are increasing, and is expected [...]

28 Các bình luận

Resident Area Gai

Project Area: 132,248 m2Location : in the Central of Nui Deo townlet, Thuy Nguyen district, [...]

Construction high building: Tran Hong Quan High building – My Dinh

The project islocated at Lot X7 belong to High class athlete training centre at Le [...]

Commencement of Quan Trieu Cement Plant

GroundbreakingCeremony of Quan Trieu Cement Plant Take part in themeeting has representative of leaders of [...]

Appointment of Deputy General Director

Deputy GeneralDirector – Mr. Pham Quang Tuong shall be in charge of marketing and biddingwork [...]

Preliminary report of assignment in early 9 months of 2008

After thespeaking of President of BOM, Mr. Nguyen Tien Thanh – General Director haspreliminary report [...]

Corporation Privatizatio

– Pursuant toDecision no. 865/QĐ-BXD dated 25/6/2008of Minister of Ministry of Construction on consolidates the [...]

Commencement of National Highway no. 21-2 Section Lac Quan – Thinh Long

 Participating inthe meeting have Mr. Nguyen Hong Truong – Deputy Minister of Ministry ofTransportation, and [...]